Monymusk Boules 2025
Saturday 24th May 2025
Registered Teams 2015
Group A
1 - Tour de France
2 - Pit Boules
3 - Les Grenouilles
4 - L'escargot
5 - Los Bouleros
Group B
Group C
6 - Les Slingers de Soories
7 - Les Guillotines
8 - Team Boulistic
9 - The Boules Inspectors
10 - Can Can You Boule
11 - Les Balbuzards
12 - Load of Old Boules
13 - Only Boules Rush In
14 - Cirque du Bouleil
15 - Off Piste
16 -
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
Group D
The Curveboules
Load of Old Poules
Only Boules & Horses
Stronachs Sociaboules
Flung Like a Boule
Group E
Group F
Group G
26 - Gannon Boules
​27 - Les Vegetaboules
28 - Baldyvin Boulers
29 - No Boule Shots
30 - The Lumphanan Lobbers
21 - Buckies
22 - Lost Marrboules
23 - Bouledozers
24 - Boules de Dash
25 - Rovin Boules
Group H
31 - Ramstone Millers
32 - Les Gateaux Munchers
33 - Les Incorrigiboules
34 - Boulin Rouge
35 - Tarves the Terriboules
36 - Donside Chainsaw Club
37 - Creoles
38 - Boules Hitters
39 - A l'eau c'est l'heure
40 - Coq et Boule
Note: The top 2 teams from each group progress to a 16 team High Road knockout stage, and the 3rd & 4th teams from each group will progress to a 16 team Low Road knockout - all these games to be played in the afternoon.